music my passion;

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The other side of the world.

Hello India! I just arrived at the Delhi Airport this morning, and I'll be off to the office in a bit. It feels like I'm in Manila, except everyone's Indian. :P Traffic's the same (sucks) roads are filled with people randomly crossing, lots of trees and greenery, and they even have trikes (rickshaws here). I still can't believe I'm travelling for business. How old-sounding. :P

I didn't take the picture up there btw, I just wanted to include a pic. Although I think i will be visiting the Taj Mahal this weekend.

Hmmm maybe I'll go vegan for the two weeks I'm here... think I'll lose some weight?

On a random note, my flight (stopover and all) took me 23 hours. 23 freakin hours!!!!! Oh well.

Comments? eL's thoughts @ 11:06 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


to me! so i've been living here for 2 years (2 years!!! gasp!!) already, and i've been working for Tribalfusion for 1 year!!! man how time flies. i just wanted to take the time to greet myself happy anniversary, so there. yay.

on a sad note, bye bye to the Warriors for this season. i really really thought they'd make it to the finals, but they just couldn't hold their own against the jazz. oh well. next year!

it's almost summer! woohooooo.

Comments? eL's thoughts @ 5:57 PM

Saturday, May 05, 2007


You'd think that since your freeway wasn't affected by the accident, traffic wouldn't be so bad going home. But noooo... of course people have to stop and slow down and stare at the collapsed freeway.

Oh well. It COULD'VE been worse than this for me. Thank goodness no one was hurt.

I miss manila already! And it's only been 2 weeks! I was just looking at the pictures (yet again) and we all look older. I can't believe we're all almost in our mid twenties. Time flies.

Comments? eL's thoughts @ 11:35 PM

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back from Manila!

I'm still a bit jetlagged but I just wanted to write a quick post. So I was in Manila for 3 weeks! It was soooo much fun. Tom was with me for 2 weeks, and we had such a blast! I miss Manila already, my house, the people, my family, my friends. Hay. Sa uulitin. :)

More pictures in my multiply.

and pix below!

congratulations again cathy and jope!

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Comments? eL's thoughts @ 9:53 PM

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm 23!!!

Tom's happy because now, in his mind, he's only 3 years older. But anyway. Yay! I'm 23! Grabe tanda ko na. My birthday was great! Unfortunately I wasn't able to take lots of pictures, and the ones I did take are crappy (since it's a pic of me late at night after work, so I look so tired.) BUT it's the only picture of me on my birthday so there. i'll put it up anyway.

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My Mom was here on my birthday so i stayed in my tito's house. she wanted to go out for dinner but I said that i'll just celebrate when i go home (which is in one week!!!). Tom came over anyway and brought me a cake and flowers (such a sweetheart), and my mom fed him some pancit. the picture was taken right before we were about to sleep, so i'm in my pantulog and i look so sabog. my mom and i were about to go to bed and we're like, let's have some cake! oh, and let's take some pictures before we cut the cake! :P sayang tom wasn't there na.

my company got me a carrot cake which was super yummy, and the girls from work took me out for lunch and gave me this really awesome giftcard to forever21. too bad it's for the online shop only, so i can't shop now because whatever i order won't get here in time for my flight since it'll take 5 days, and i leave saturday 1am. speaking of my trip, yay, 5 more days until i fly home! tom is coming with me, and he's pretty excited coz we're going to bora and everything. i'm excited coz i'll see my family, my friends, and i'll get to attend the wedding of one of my really good friends from school (aka my best friend here in the states, as her mom said :P)

back to my birthday, it was really good--i thought it would make me homesick, but i really love the people i work with, and it also helped that my mom was there, and of course, tom. :)

oh and guess what. i went through major surgery last feb. all 4 wisdom teeth were extracted in one surgery!!! grabe noh? 2 of them were impacted pa. it really hurt afterward, but it was tolerable pain. now i have 4 holes in my mouth :P yun lang.

yay 5 days nalang. see y'all in a few!!!!! :) woohoooooo.

Comments? eL's thoughts @ 10:16 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

hello 2007!!!

okay so after months and months of not writing anything, i've been itching to update my blog. i got a new look too, the old one was just so blah. i WAS gonna add to it, but i just got lazy and busy and etc etc etc.

so it's a new year... lots of things to look forward to, lots of things that've happened. first up is cathy a. moving back to the PI! :( sadness. but it's for the best. i mean, i totally would go for it if it were me (i still love you tom) so i can't blame her for moving back. i just wish that she'll come back with nico and live in sf, so we can all hangout again. oh well guess we'll have to wait til april for that. (nico sabi ni tom, "classmates...?" siyempre naalala niya.)

it was also my one year anniv with tom! too bad we weren't able to take decent pictures. we just had dinner at this yummy restaurant in the city, but we were all fancy and dressed up. i DID get pix of the flowers he sent to my office, which was incredibly sweet of him.

cathy b. visited sf! although i just saw her for a day, it was so much fun! she went last minute shopping, we watched grey's anatomy and just basically hung out until her whole family came home to prepare for her flight. i'll see you in april cathy! nagpapapayat na ako!

oh, i also finally took pictures of my new apartment. i also bought some furniture, but it's still pretty bare. i have yet to think of ways to decorate it. catalogs, anyone?

oh and guess what. if you have a ds, you should go buy this game that comes out in march, coz i'm one of their voice talents! hahahaha. o diba? as soon as i have the details, i'll post it. recordning was fun though, definitely an experience!

i also had my winter dance performance last december. in 2005 i joined the beginner/intermediate class, so this time i joined the advanced. it was kind of tough but it was definitely fun. this year i'm planning to try the pole dancing class... hahahahahaha. hey, they say it's a great workout. and i DO need the extra cash... JOKE! :P

a lot's happened, but those are the highlights. i can't wait for april, when i'm flying back home (again)!!! woohooo.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Comments? eL's thoughts @ 11:15 AM

Monday, September 18, 2006


Today was such a crappy day. Maybe I'm pmsing or whatever, but I just felt so tired, crappy, bloated and just totally blah. The horrible traffic didn't help either. BUT my mood changed when I opened the package that was waiting for me at the doorstep. Helloooooo my pretty pink ds lite!

So there. I'm happy na. She's so pretty and pink. Wala lang. Yay.


I've been so busy these past few weeks I haven't been able to blog. I watched 'A Chorus Line,' which is set to open in Broadway either this year or next. It was great, but I have to say I appreciated it more afterwards when I was listening to the songs I downloaded. But it was still pretty awesome. Someday, I'll be part of all that again.


Can I just share that I've been going credit card crazy? Since I've been working for about a year now, between my car payments and miscellaneous bills, I've managed to get a high credit score. That said, all these companies have been offering me credit cards. And me, being credit card deprived, I applied for a bunch. Now I have 4 credit cards. 4!!! Imagine. And the credit limit isn't a lousy 300 bucks, it's like, a lot. I'm just so overwhelmed. Now I dunno what to do with the cards. Hahaha. I need a new wallet though. One with more card slots.


And then Cathy and Nico and RJ visited from LA! Yay! It was sooooo much fun, we did a ton of stuff. From going to Costco, to the city, to Alcatraz, to the club, to dinner and drinks, to the BART, etc etc etc. Iba talaga kapag kasama mo mga kaibigan mo. Wala lang, iba lang yung feeling when there's someone familiar around. It's almost as if you're back home, hanging out with the usual people. Haaay miss ko na kayo!

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More pix in my multiply.


And of course, a very very happy Birthday to Tom, who turned 26 last Friday.

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Comments? eL's thoughts @ 8:47 PM


Me! eLeanor. Fresh grad ready to conquer the world. Beach. Stars. Candy. Surprises. Strawberry. Theme Parks. Shopping. Pictures. Sweets. Music. Theater. Movies. Dessert. Keeping it real. Little things. Food. Teddy bears. Hugs and kisses. Animals. Dancing. Books. Singing. Sleeping. Dreaming. Bumming. ;p

i'm sleepy...

i want;

Videoke. Shopping money. To go to a theme park. To learn how to surf. A job i love. My own place. To see snow. To go to Brazil. To go to Hawaii. A dog. To go to disneyland and 6 flags marine park. Sophie Kinsella's latest novel. To visit Cathy in LA and Chesca in Canada. A new wardrobe. To learn how to ride a bike. To go back home!

feeling generous? check this out. ;p

oh, and zero poverty and world peace. ;p


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